Devious Daddies: Horror Movies About Bad (And Bad-Ish) Dads

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping dad horror movies into the ol’ VCR.

Coming off Father’s Day weekend, I thought we could celebrate by talking about some of the fiendish fathers of horror. 

Now, I want to give a couple of classic disclaimers up top: 

First and foremost, it was actually a lot harder than I thought to find horror movies with dads as villains, and it made me realize that maternal figures tend to be more villainized (shocker). 

Secondly, I know that some of these dads are more antiheroes than pure villains, i.e. Louis Creed. 

Thirdly, I would Google CWs and TWs for some of these films because there are allusions and/or portrayals of abuse in some of these films that could be triggering. 

And finally, as someone whose father was abusive, I totally understand that Father’s Day might just be another day to a lot of people. It may be a day of celebration for some or of grieving for others. 

However Father’s Day looks for you, your feelings are valid. 🖤

Alrighty, I think that’ll do us for disclaimers. Without further ado, here are 10 pieces of Father’s Day content that will leave you begging for a good dad joke: 

  • Frailty 
  • Parents 
  • Tamara
  • Mom and Dad 
  • The Shining 
  • Cheap Thrills
  • Pet Sematary
  • The Stepfather
  • We Need to Do Something 
  • “Father’s Day” segment from Holidays

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