Super Hot Serves Up A Piping Hot Horror Comedy

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping Taylor King’s Super Hot into the ol’ VCR. 

We all know Amazon Prime is the host to the weirdest and wildest collection of horror movies. However, every so often, you find a diamond in the rough. Super Hot gleams in the mine, my friends. It almost feels like Hot Rod if Akiva Schaffer had gone the horror route, and Rob was trying to save Denise from vampires alongside Jonathan. Akiva, if you need an idea for Hot Rod 2, it’s sitting right here. 

Another reason I love Super Hot is its depiction of being a teenager in a small town. It reminds me so much of my friends from high school, down to the pop punk and faux Arctic Monkeys on the radio. We also all know that guy who works at the comic book and memorabilia store. The one who doesn’t think you’re worthy enough to be in the store, let alone buy whatever you’ve placed on the counter. 

Learn from my mistakes and don’t Google “Super Hot movie” 

Super Hot, in a way, represents the last big adventure you have with your friends the summer after senior year. Sure, there will be friends who stick around, but the only contact you’ll have with others is in your memories. I’m at risk of turning a piece about a low-budget horror movie about hot vampires trying to resurrect Dracula for eternal youth into a heartfelt piece focused on childhood memories. So, I’ll leave it at this: Thank you to my nerd herd. We’ve all gone our separate ways, but I’m so glad y’all were in my life for the time you were. 🖤

MOVING ON. Super Hot is worth the watch, and without spoiling too much, I’m glad we’ll see a couple of characters in Taylor King’s upcoming Van Helsing. This movie would be best served sandwiched in-between Slice and Satanic Panic in a triple feature. So go ahead and grab yourself a slice of this gem while it’s Super Hot. 

Super Hot is now streaming on Amazon Prime.

3 responses to “Super Hot Serves Up A Piping Hot Horror Comedy”

  1. […] the cover. Netflix has a reputation for having terrible horror movies, but sometimes, like with Prime, you’ll find a diamond in the rough. Now, I’m not saying Would You Rather? is a critically […]


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