Summer Bummer: Heated Horrors For Your Summer Vacation

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping some of my favorite summer-themed horror movies into the ol’ VCR. 

Well, friends, it’s officially my least favorite season. And, unfortunately, the one I was also born into. As the days grow longer, you’ll need more activities to fill your day… like watching a bunch of slashers. 

Before y’all come for me, I need you to listen. There are so many great movies that technically fall into this category; think about the ones set at summer camps, alone. So, I had to make an executive decision, and keep it at four. 

On that note, it’s time to grab your popsicles, crank up the AC, and beat the heat with these hot horrors: 

Summer of 84: Buzz, that ending monologue. WOOF.

Midsommar: Good for her.

Jaws: Fish(erman) are friends, not food.

I Know What You Did Last Summer: I’m hooked on this one.

I can fix him. 

3 responses to “Summer Bummer: Heated Horrors For Your Summer Vacation”

  1. […] Summer Bummer Horror Sweetie: There’s nothing wrong with being a homebody. But, in the world of horror, you might be a home body instead. Don’t answer the phone. Don’t agree to babysit. And, don’t leave your Jiffy Pop unattended. That’s a fire hazard, girl! […]


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