Series-ly Good: Sinister Sequels That Don’t Suck

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping some of my favorite underrated sequels into the ol’ VCR. 

“No, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel.” 

Tatum might have tried to escape through the doggy door, but she did have a point. I think that sometimes sequels get a bad rep. You have greats like Evil Dead II and Dawn of the Dead. Then, you have the sequels like the four I’m talking about today. 

These four sequels expand upon the lore of their predecessors, but the connection is a little faulty, setting them up to fail. While the movies themselves really aren’t that bad, they fell victim to being second string to heavy hitters. I honestly believe these movies would’ve had a better chance of sticking the landing if they hadn’t been forced to fall within the parameters of a franchise. 

So, friends, set your preconceived notions aside, and let’s get started. 

The Rage: Carrie 2 

I sincerely think this screenplay was written without a Carrie connection and altered. If you just left Rachel as a teen with telekinetic powers, I think The Rage: Carrie 2 would’ve been so much better. Don’t tell us why Rachel has these powers, just show us her abilities. Hell, even keep Amy Irving in there, but not as Sue Snell. I still have a soft spot for it, though. 

Despite all my Rage, I’m still just a sequel that aged. 

Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 

I know that my love of The Blair Witch Project makes this a controversial choice, but hear me out. I actually really, really like Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2. I think it’s a solid 2000s horror movie, but they could’ve run with another urban legend. Or, if the crew wanted to stick with an homage to The Blair Witch Project, it should’ve been totally shot as found footage. 

Kim slander won’t be tolerated in this house. 

American Psycho II: All American Girl 

Now, I would bet MONEY that American Psycho II: All American Girl wasn’t originally a sequel. I think Mila Kunis does a wonderful job as Rachael Newman, a college student who will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. The American Psycho connection is so flimsy that it could fly out of your hand if a strong wind came along. Mila, make another horror comedy that’s a sequel to this sequel, and let’s make Rachael Newman an icon. 

Ah yes, the early 2000s when all of our hair mimicked wet Labradoodles. 

Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II

Okay, now, I know I’m not alone in this one. As much as I love the original Prom Night, the campiness and queer coding within Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night II push it over the edge for me. Also, Mary Lou is 100% Halloween costume goals. 

I guess Mary Lou fell into the art club’s papier-mâché project, tripped into the kiln, and then landed in a tub of Dream Matte foundation.

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