Hail To The Stephen King

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping Stephen King film adaptations into the ol’ VCR. 

I love Stephen King. I read a different book of his each October. I’m about to start On Writing. I have an Overlook Hotel-themed rug in my office. It’s a lifestyle. It’s religion. 

Now, that’s not to say I think Stephen King is perfect. I don’t believe that by any means. He’s definitely missed the mark, and I’m not afraid to critique/criticize my idols; you shouldn’t be either. I digress. 

When the morning coffee hits, and you’re nowhere near a bathroom. 

Stephen King writes horror in a way that becomes so vivid in your mind’s eye…and that’s exactly why his work doesn’t always translate well to the screen. The good news is, some of his works were not only brought to life, but remain horror classics to this very day. 

These movies are special to me because I would watch them on, you guessed it, AMC FearFest in the afternoons and on weekends. They would run Stephen King marathons, and I drank it up.

As always, I’m going to give you my favorites, my honorable mention, and my dishonorable mention, which I think is going to be a hot take for some. 

In no particular order, my top 10 favorite Stephie K adaptations are: 

Honorable mentions

Dishonorable mention 

I’m going to level with all of you — I hate Doctor Sleep. Now, I feel like this one needs an explanation. You see, I read the book a few weeks before the movie came out, so it was fresh in my mind, which didn’t help its case. Additionally, I think it was insane to take out the vital plot point that connected Abra and Dan. 

When I get overstimulated and disassociate in H-E-B.

9 responses to “Hail To The Stephen King”

  1. […] visit any sort of burial ground. Poltergeist and Pet Sematary taught us all […]


  2. […] The Shining: I’m a writer, but I’m not a “drag my family to a hotel and then succumb to my alcoholism and try to murder them” writer.  […]


  3. […] Dr. Frank-N-Furter, Wadsworth, and Pennywise. He manipulated Annie away from Daddy Warbucks. He’s sailed the high seas with the Muppets and […]


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