She Took The Midnight Meat Train Going Anywhere: A Look At Transportation Horror

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping some transportation horror into the ol’ VCR. 

Friends, I promise that I’m not purposely trying to frighten you before your potential holiday travels. But, the holidays make me think of traveling, which makes me think of destination horror, transportation horror, etc… It’s one of the rare occasions where I can explain my thought patterns. I digress. 

Transportation horror is a fascinating little subgenre where the events of the movie mostly, if not solely, take place on some sort of train, plane, subway, or other means of transportation… hence the name. 

When you wake up in the middle of the night after eating Taco Bell for dinner

I’m really intrigued by this particular subgenre because I think it’s super impressive when a movie takes place within a contained setting. It’s hard to pull off, so when it’s done and done WELL, I give the cast and crew nothing but mad respect. 

Now, listen. Are all of these movies cinematic masterpieces? No. Are they all entertaining as hell? Yes, yes they are. 

Without further ado, here are a few of my favorite transportation horror movies: 

  • The Midnight Meat Train 
  • Terror Train 
  • Train to Busan 
  • Snakes on a Plane 
  • Final Destination*
  • Red Eye 

* I know it may be controversial, but the plane crash is the catalyst for everything, so I think it counts. 

This is the scene of a killer, Bella. 

Honorable mentions 

Scream VI: I know that the majority of this movie doesn’t take place on any means of transportation, but the subway scene is so well done that I had to include it. 

Twilight Zone: The Movie: Similar to Scream VI, only one segment of this flick qualifies for the list. It’s a remake of the “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet” episode though, so I’m legally obligated to include it in this piece. 

3 responses to “She Took The Midnight Meat Train Going Anywhere: A Look At Transportation Horror”

  1. […] we’ve done destination horror. We’ve even done cabin and transportation […]


  2. […] Transportation Horror Treasure: You’re a girl on the go! But, you might also be the girl who gets got. You’ve got places to be, and sadly, one of those places might be the morgue. Don’t worry, though! We’ll be sure to scan your bus pass on the way out.  […]


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