It’s Not A Phase, Mom (RIP): The Angsty Albums That Soothed My Soul

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping the pop punk, alt, and rock albums that Elliott and I loved as tweens and teens into the ol’ VCR. 

When I write an edition of Lights, Camera, Albums, I usually listen through an album 3-4 times to pair each song with a movie. The LCA for From Under the Cork Tree was no exception. Listening to Fall Out Boy led to me listening to My Chemical Romance which led to me listening to Simple Plan…you can see where this is going. 

It’s not uncommon for me to listen to a lot of the music I grew up with, but all of these albums were just hitting in a way I can’t fully express. 

I could just picture little high school Baillee jamming out to these songs on her Zune (which I still have, btw). And now, thanks to social media, you can too! 

This is me getting ready for my senior prom in 2010. 

I’m also almost 100% sure that this was my last MySpace profile photo. 

Now listen, I was Check-ing Yes with Juliet and had “The Curse of Curves” with the best of them. But, friends, if I listed every single pop punk, alt, etc…song that had a grip on me, I’d give my piece on Inside a run for its money. 

That’s why, for today, at least, I narrowed it down to 10 albums. And believe me, this was a tough one. 

I made my decision based on which albums I revisit the most, still know the most lyrics to, and which inserts I had in my clear binders. I also thought about which lyrics I wrote the most in journals and/or on Chucks and Vans in sharpie. Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about. 

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shared this to my Insta story. 

After careful deliberation, the 10 albums listed below are the ones that made the cut. But wait! There’s more! 

Since Elliott is only a couple of years older than me, and was also very much a pop punk/alt/emo girlie, she’s ALSO going to throw some of her albums into a little section I like to call: Elliott’s Picks.

Alrighty. Without further ado, here are 10 angsty albums that fueled (by ramen, get it?) my little Hot Topic-shopping, black eyeliner-clad soul. 

  • Simple Plan – No Helmets, No Pads…Just Balls 
  • My Chemical Romance – Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge 
  • Fall Out Boy – From Under the Cork Tree 
  • Avril Lavigne – Let Go 
  • Paramore – Riot! 
  • Green Day – American Idiot 
  • Bowling for Soup – A Hangover You Don’t Deserve 
  • Panic! At The Disco – A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out 
  • Motion City Soundtrack – Commit This to Memory 
  • Yellowcard – Ocean Avenue

Another banger from my senior photos. 

Elliott’s Picks 

  • Bayside- Bayside
  • Chiodos- All’s Well That Ends Well
  • Hollywood Undead- Swan Songs
  • The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus- Don’t You Fake It
  • Hawthorne Heights- The Silence In Black And White
  • The Used- In Love and Death and The Used
  • Brand New- Deja Entendu
  • Taking Back Sunday- Really just songs off of each album released from 2002-2006
  • Silverstein- Discovering the Waterfront
  • Blink-182- blink-182

3 responses to “It’s Not A Phase, Mom (RIP): The Angsty Albums That Soothed My Soul”

  1. […] movie. In fact, I’ll more than likely go see it again. If this movie had come out when I was in high school, I would’ve made it my entire personality and been […]


  2. […] see, I was a pop punk kid, through and through. I wore black eyeshadow with black lower eyeliner for YEARS. I bought band […]


  3. […] journal (that’s decorated with a duct tape tribute to the Green Day heart grenade from their American Idiot album, thank you), and there are posters taped […]


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