Overlooked Offerings: A List Of Horror Flicks That Are (Maybe?) Underrated

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping underrated horror movies into the ol’ VCR. 

I’m going to be really honest and probably sound the most pretentious I ever have. 

Here goes. 

This piece was a little hard for me to put together because I’m a huge horror girlie and all-around cinefile, so it’s difficult for me to gauge what’s underrated vs a cult classic. 

I feel like I’ll start asking if you’ve heard of The Shins next 

I’m also friends with a lot of other movie buffs, or people who humor me and have sat through most of these, so I didn’t have a sounding board. 

Long story short, please forgive me if some of these aren’t as underrated as I think they are. 

Alrighty then. 

With the pretentious disclaimer out of the way, here are 10 underrated (?) horror movies that will make you sound cool* at cocktail parties:

*Rizz not guaranteed

2 responses to “Overlooked Offerings: A List Of Horror Flicks That Are (Maybe?) Underrated”

  1. […] song immediately made me think of Tamara. Tamara (Jenna Dewan) ends up on a rooftop, and I feel like this song really captures how Tamara […]


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