Kokomo-hno: Beach And Island Horror

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping beach and island horror into the ol’ VCR. 

Friends, we’ve done destination horror. We’ve even done cabin and transportation horror. 

And just when you thought it was safe to book a getaway…I’m here to ruin yet another locale. 

That’s right. Today, we’re talking about beach and island horror. 

“But, Baillee, how is this different from vacation horror?” 

Well, these take place on a beach. That’s all I have for you. 

Not a cell phone in sight, just a giant, dangerous mechanical shark named Bruce 

There are a few movies that I wouldn’t clump solely into destination horror, but have a beachy backdrop. They aren’t necessarily taking place on someone’s vacation, but, rather, in a sparsely populated town. 

Does that mean some of these take place when someone enters said small town? Yes. But cut me some slack here. 

I solemnly swear this is the last island/tropical/beach/getaway set of horror movies you’ll get from me…until the next time I do it and say the same thing. 

Without further ado, here are 10 bloody beachy bonanzas to keep you inland: 

  • The Beach House 
  • The Witch Who Came From The Sea 
  • Infinity Pool
  • Offseason 
  • Old 
  • Sweetheart 
  • Psycho Beach Party 
  • Piranha 3D (2010)*  
  • Broken Lizard’s Club Dread 
  • Jaws

*Yes, I unironically love this movie.

2 responses to “Kokomo-hno: Beach And Island Horror”

  1. […] Beach Horror Babe: You’re all about fun in the sun! Unfortunately, that means you’ll probably find yourself toes up from a shark attack, killer piranhas, or a good ol’ fashioned sandy psychopath. Who cares if the old man at the gas station warned you and all of your friends not to go to the beach? Enjoy that sun while you have it, girlie!  […]


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