Summer Camp Content To Watch Around The Bonfire

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping camp content into the ol’ VCR.

Friends, as summer draws ever nearer (again, it’s somehow already MAY), the smell of sunblock and the sounds of weird, cheerful songs can be heard all the way from the mess hall. 

That’s right. We’re covering camp content today. 

I went to camp many a’ time in my day. 

Camp Fire camp, Baptist Church camp, Methodist Church camp, you name it. 

(And I’ll admit that Methodist Church camp was where it’s at – I obviously don’t support those who are on the wrong side of the split, though) 

My camp experiences were good, for the most part…except for when they laid hands on me at the Baptist Church camp. I still think about it to this very day. I also know how fortunate I am that this was the worst thing to happen to me at a Christian summer camp. 

Moving on. 

The feeling of going to camp as a kid is unexplainable as an adult. For a full week, you got to swim, make lanyards, and participate in some of the silliest stuff imaginable. 

It ruled. 

I also had one of my first crushes on a girl at summer camp, and I still think about how I didn’t understand what was happening to this very day. 

Ah yes, summer camp. 

If you want to reminisce like me, or if you never had the chance to go to camp as a kid (I was partially, if not fully, scholarshipped a couple of times, so I understand), I wanted to give you the chance to see what camp was like. 

Let me say a couple of things up top: 

  1. I was never stalked by the broken mother of a drowned camper. 
  2. I never discovered I was an identical twin during an intense fencing match. 
  3. I never had to help an associate professor divert a giant asteroid to avoid the camp being squashed, nor did our cook gain confidence from a talking can of vegetables. 

Lastly, as always, some of these movies have scenes and/or dialogue that didn’t age well. I more than recognize that. 

Alrighty, that should be enough disclaimers and introductions. 

Without further ado, grab your shower flip flops, and I’ll meet you on The Blob to watch these shows and movies: 

4 responses to “Summer Camp Content To Watch Around The Bonfire”

  1. […] also showed movies and is responsible for my first viewings of Wet Hot American Summer, But I’m A Cheerleader, and Psycho Beach […]


  2. […] Wet Hot American Summer and American Pie: Band Camp  […]


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