Premature Evacuation: Shows That Were Canceled Too Soon

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping prematurely canceled shows into the ol’ VCR. 

Friends, we live in a world where streamers and studios seem to cancel shows and movie releases at the drop of a hat. 

Be it for tax breaks, “low ratings,” or because Mercury was in retrograde, some shows meet an unceremonious end. 

Now, I’m going to avoid some classics here like Freaks and Geeks and My So-Called Life. 

We all know they might’ve been canceled too soon, but they’re still iconic. 

I’m going to throw out more recent examples that already have a cult following or I think will see a resurgence at some point. 

Also, let’s address the elephant in the room; Netflix is the biggest offender on this list. They even renewed GLOW for another season, only to rescind the renewal due to the pandemic. 

However, they’re not alone in their transgressions. 

As streaming evolves, cancellations become more and more common. 

I know that I, personally, hold my breath at the end of every season and relentlessly Google renewal news. That way, it breaks my heart a little less when a show I love is donezo. 

Alrighty, I think that’ll do for disclaimers. 

Without further ado, here are 9 shows I think were canceled way too soon: 

One response to “Premature Evacuation: Shows That Were Canceled Too Soon”

  1. […] LOVED the reboot series they created as well, and I definitely believe it was prematurely canceled, as does its creator, […]


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