I Dare You To Watch This Content

Hello, Movie Mavens! Welcome back to the B Movies Blog. Today, we’re popping dare-based horror into the ol’ VCR. 

Friends, there was a glorious time in horror where we all decided as a society that dare-based movies were the way to go. 

And honestly, I’m glad we did. 

The dare-based horror genre isn’t huge, and for full transparency, there are some I haven’t watched, including either one of the Truth or Dares. 

With that being said, there are only two movies and one series we’re going to focus on today. One movie I love, one movie I find entertaining, and the series is one that teeters on a teen drama, so you know we had to include it. 

Without further ado, let’s dive into Cheap Thrills, Would You Rather?, and Panic

Cheap Thrills 

CW/TW: gore, gun violence, animal killing/death 

I LOVE this movie, and I’m bummed to this day that I didn’t go see it at Alamo during its theatrical run. I would also be so bold as to say it’s the best entry in the dare-based horror subgenre. Also, I love seeing Sara Paxton pop up in horror. She was a gem in Shark Night, did wonderful voicework in her episode of Bleeders DIEgest, and I would love to see her do more. The entire cast is just *chef’s kiss*. If you haven’t seen this one, I can’t recommend it enough. 

I would absolutely sleep with Sara Paxton to win a bunch of money, or, y’know, not. 

Call me Sara. 

Would You Rather?

CW/TW: su*c*d*, SA

If you haven’t seen this movie, I promise you’ve seen the cover. Netflix has a reputation for having terrible horror movies, but sometimes, like with Prime, you’ll find a diamond in the rough. Now, I’m not saying Would You Rather? is a critically acclaimed and Oscar worthy film by any means, but it’s a fun ride. If you still aren’t sold, the cast boasts the likes of horror icon Jeffrey Combs, beloved character actress June Squibb, and Ms. Amber Von Tussle 2007 herself, Brittany Snow. 

Yeah, it’s THIS one. 


This show combines two of my favorite things: horror and the teen drama. The TL;DR of Panic is that teens participate in increasingly dangerous stunts to win a bunch of money. As someone who grew up in small town Texas, I more than understand the allure. Panic stars one of my absolute favorite up and coming Scream Queens, Olivia Scott Welch, who you may know from the Fear Street trilogy and The Sacrifice Game. I binged this entire show on a Sunday, so it’s a great way to get rid of the Sunday Scaries

This is the kind of guy* who sends you an intro with emojis and calls you “babe” on OkCupid. 

* Before y’all come for me, I’m referring to the CHARACTER, not Ray Nicholson, but to be fair, I also don’t know his business.

2 responses to “I Dare You To Watch This Content”

  1. […] further ado, here are four of my favorite Tim Curry movies and one miniseries (I dare you to […]


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